Four Reasons to Try Writing Prompts and Challenges


When I don’t know what to write, writing prompts and challenges are my go-to writer’s block busters. The one I’ve tackled most recently is the Sweet Seven presented by author Hannah Deurloo, and if you like writing for children, give her challenge a shot! Here’s what I love about them:


1. Writing Prompts are Short

Like a handful of blueberries (as opposed to a meal), writing prompts are low commitment and energy-packed. They don’t take long to write, and that’s a big deal. When I feel stuck, I want to get moving again fast. A prompt can get me from A to B in a paragraph. Boom.


2. You’ve Got Room to Grow

Whether the challenge is a paragraph, page, flash fiction, or short story, you can always make it longer if you want to. I love the creative freedom this brings. I once did a 24-hour challenge with a friend, and the story that came from it was cooler than I anticipated. Maybe one day it will be a novel, but for today, it’s something started with room to grow.


3. Hello, Focus

If a river is blocked, the water disperses. The same kind of thing happens (at least to me) with writer’s block. Instead of cutting a clear path, my thoughts can begin to go all over the place. A prompt gives me a problem to solve. Navigating the waters becomes the focus again, and I’m back on course.


4. Gain a New Perspective

Writers can be great builders, but when we always use the same materials, the work gets mundane. If you use a book, an online challenge, or even make up your own writing prompt with a friend, it forces you to try something out of your box. And that, my friends, helps to get those inventive wheels turning again.


You can do it! What challenge will you conquer today?


Until next time,

Invent your story