I Met My Target Audience This Week

The coolest thing happened this week. I got a comment. It wasn’t a, “Hey, I like what you’re doing!” kind of comment – although I appreciate all feedback. It was a, “I get criticized for my out-of-the-box thinking, and your words really encouraged me…” kind of comment.

Not a public comment. Not a “two thumbs up” from a well-known critic that’s going to make my career. It wasn’t a call from an agent. It was a person who was facing a challenge, and my words encouraged them.


You know what, writers? It’s worth it. For that alone, it’s worth it. Yes, writing takes hours, days, weeks, and years. Yes, you may never make a dime from it. It may take a very, very long time (if you’re like me) and you are going to face a zillion challenges in every form imaginable.

For that one person, it’s worth it.

People say to write for yourself, and I don’t argue that. Putting those thoughts, words, and ideas onto paper is fulfilling, and if you’re only writing for others, you may lose yourself in the process. Write like you. Write for you. Just write. It’s good.

But with billions of people on the planet, there’s a good chance someone out there will benefit from what you have to say. From honesty. From your brand of crazy – because we all have our own brand of crazy.

My goal, this week, is to let one of the people who’ve encouraged me know that they’ve made a difference in my life. I’m part of someone’s “target audience” too – and I’m easily part of the “audience” of the person whose comment had an impact on me. Friends, we need each other, and that is a gift.

Until next time,

Invent your story

If you’re looking for more encouragement, check out Chocolates and Writing Advice. Happy Friday!