Fun with Nail Polish: Creating Abstract Designs

I did not come up with this idea, but I’ve seen tutorials and was curious if this odd little trick really worked. It does! If you have nail polish around the house that you want to get rid of, this is a great way to put it to use. Here’s how it works:

Supplies You Need:


Stirring tool (I used a straw)

Nail Polish


Object (white or clear works well) to design

Fill it!

Fill the bowl about halfway with water. You want it deep enough so there’s some distance between the surface of the water and the bottom of the bowl, so you don’t bump it. You can adjust this to your liking.

Mix it!

Take your favorite colors, and experiment. You can use as many as you want, although following a color scheme is usually a good idea. The nail polish will float on the surface of the water, and when you have the colors you want inside, go ahead and give it a stir.

Dip it!

Now’s the fun part. Gently dip and turn your object onto the surface of the water. The nail polish will adhere to it right away! I found that all of the bowl was not covered to my liking with my first turn, so I simply put more nail polish in and did it again!

The project can get a little bit stinky and messy, but the results are fantastic. Plus, it’s a cinch to set up. This little bit of inventiveness is the perfect way to add a splash of color to your life.

Happy Inventing!