Let’s Talk about Refuse

Have you ever read a sign wrong and liked it better that way? Our family went “rustic camping” a couple of weeks ago, and we passed a notice by the road that said “You are responsible for your refuse”. This usually means, “Hey, pick up your trash, kid.” but I saw “refuse” for its literal meaning – to be unwilling to do something.


My gears started to shift.


Things happen in life. Whether it’s an opportunity that comes my way or a problem that blocks my path, no one can force me to change. But if I choose not to grow, take risks, and make the next move forward (however scary) then I need to take responsibility for my choice.


I am responsible for my refuse.


Most of the time, I don’t think we realize when we are refusing to change. For me, sometimes I get into a routine that works, and I think I’m all set. After all, if someone isn’t inviting you to jump into a cold lake, are you really refusing to go?


Of course, there are times when refusing to do something is a good thing. Not every opportunity can or should be taken. But I have refused so many good things in life.


I have refused to believe. Refused to put the work in. Refused to give someone a chance.


Those devastating refusals are on no one else besides me. But I don’t have to stay in a state of quiet or constant refusal. And if I am responsible for my refuse, then that means I also have the ability to change it. The transformation could be amazing, if I refuse to doubt.


You are responsible for your refuse. The question is: What are you going to do with it?


Until next time,


Invent your story





What You Didn’t Know You Have in Common with Albert Einstein

Researching Albert Einstein could make you feel like an idiot. This incredible physicist developed the theory of relativity, and he laid groundwork for quantum theory, the photon theory of light, the Brownian movement of molecules (I won’t continue). Bonus: he has really interesting things to say.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein

Not exactly what we’d expect from someone with those credentials. And yet, the truth of these five words can change your life if you let it brew in your brain for a few smart seconds. What do you do when you solve a problem, draw a picture, play an instrument, or write a story?

You begin to employ creative thinking. To create is to bring something into existence. That something comes alive inside of you. It’s said that Einstein thought in pictures, and that was (in part) how he discovered and worked out his theories.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, and giving birth to evolution.” – Albert Einstein

Einstein was a genius. He’s probably most famous for E=mc2. He won the Nobel Prize. He didn’t say the above quote with a chip on his shoulder because he didn’t have knowledge. He found that knowledge falls short. It’s good and important to gain knowledge, but don’t value it over imagination.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving forward.” – Albert Einstein

Time, space, and motion were all important to Einstein. In order to ride a bike, you must time your foot to push down on a pedal, lift your other foot at the right moment to catch the opposite pedal, and keep going. When you keep moving, you can go faster than you could without the bike.

So, what do you have in common with Einstein?

You have an imagination that is capable of amazing things. Don’t underestimate it! Employ creativity in life. Use your imagination. And keep moving forward.

(sources include but not limited to: nobelprize.org, time.com, wikipedia.com)

Until next time,

Invent your story