Let’s Talk about Refuse

Have you ever read a sign wrong and liked it better that way? Our family went “rustic camping” a couple of weeks ago, and we passed a notice by the road that said “You are responsible for your refuse”. This usually means, “Hey, pick up your trash, kid.” but I saw “refuse” for its literal meaning – to be unwilling to do something.


My gears started to shift.


Things happen in life. Whether it’s an opportunity that comes my way or a problem that blocks my path, no one can force me to change. But if I choose not to grow, take risks, and make the next move forward (however scary) then I need to take responsibility for my choice.


I am responsible for my refuse.


Most of the time, I don’t think we realize when we are refusing to change. For me, sometimes I get into a routine that works, and I think I’m all set. After all, if someone isn’t inviting you to jump into a cold lake, are you really refusing to go?


Of course, there are times when refusing to do something is a good thing. Not every opportunity can or should be taken. But I have refused so many good things in life.


I have refused to believe. Refused to put the work in. Refused to give someone a chance.


Those devastating refusals are on no one else besides me. But I don’t have to stay in a state of quiet or constant refusal. And if I am responsible for my refuse, then that means I also have the ability to change it. The transformation could be amazing, if I refuse to doubt.


You are responsible for your refuse. The question is: What are you going to do with it?


Until next time,


Invent your story





Four Reasons to Try Writing Prompts and Challenges


When I don’t know what to write, writing prompts and challenges are my go-to writer’s block busters. The one I’ve tackled most recently is the Sweet Seven presented by author Hannah Deurloo, and if you like writing for children, give her challenge a shot! Here’s what I love about them:


1. Writing Prompts are Short

Like a handful of blueberries (as opposed to a meal), writing prompts are low commitment and energy-packed. They don’t take long to write, and that’s a big deal. When I feel stuck, I want to get moving again fast. A prompt can get me from A to B in a paragraph. Boom.


2. You’ve Got Room to Grow

Whether the challenge is a paragraph, page, flash fiction, or short story, you can always make it longer if you want to. I love the creative freedom this brings. I once did a 24-hour challenge with a friend, and the story that came from it was cooler than I anticipated. Maybe one day it will be a novel, but for today, it’s something started with room to grow.


3. Hello, Focus

If a river is blocked, the water disperses. The same kind of thing happens (at least to me) with writer’s block. Instead of cutting a clear path, my thoughts can begin to go all over the place. A prompt gives me a problem to solve. Navigating the waters becomes the focus again, and I’m back on course.


4. Gain a New Perspective

Writers can be great builders, but when we always use the same materials, the work gets mundane. If you use a book, an online challenge, or even make up your own writing prompt with a friend, it forces you to try something out of your box. And that, my friends, helps to get those inventive wheels turning again.


You can do it! What challenge will you conquer today?


Until next time,

Invent your story


Harvesting Ideas with Isaac Newton

It’s harvest time, and apples are everywhere! They bring us wonderful things: pie, donuts, cider, the law of gravity… at least, Isaac Newton and apples did. Isaac was born in 1642. When he was 24, he saw an apple fall from a tree (legend says it hit him on the head). This event set the wheels in motion for him to consider the pull between objects of different masses and of “gravity extending to the orb of the moon.”


I feel like I could get pretty creative with apples. I could turn them into smiley faces or make a good sauce out of them. Isaac shows us something revolutionary with apples, and I wonder if we could learn about more than gravity from him.


If I have been able to see further, it is only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. – Isaac Newton


The thing that stood out to me in this story, and considering his famed quote, is this: he was intentional. He may have had dessert in mind when he visited the apple tree, but he was also a student of nature and those who went before him. He was on the lookout for answers.


You don’t have to be a scientist to be inventive in your thinking. But to move forward in your area of creative expertise, you will be able to see farther if you “stand on the shoulders” of the “giants” in your field. If you’re interested in writing, read the work of great writers. If you’re interested in science, read the work of great scientists.


But don’t stop there.


As you go about your day, let yourself see the world through your lens. No one else thinks exactly like you, and no one else can bring the exact same thing to the table that you can. Even two apple pies will be made with different apples that carry a slightly unique flavor. Here’s to the unexpected moments that change the world.


Until next time,


Invent your story



I Met My Target Audience This Week

The coolest thing happened this week. I got a comment. It wasn’t a, “Hey, I like what you’re doing!” kind of comment – although I appreciate all feedback. It was a, “I get criticized for my out-of-the-box thinking, and your words really encouraged me…” kind of comment.

Not a public comment. Not a “two thumbs up” from a well-known critic that’s going to make my career. It wasn’t a call from an agent. It was a person who was facing a challenge, and my words encouraged them.


You know what, writers? It’s worth it. For that alone, it’s worth it. Yes, writing takes hours, days, weeks, and years. Yes, you may never make a dime from it. It may take a very, very long time (if you’re like me) and you are going to face a zillion challenges in every form imaginable.

For that one person, it’s worth it.

People say to write for yourself, and I don’t argue that. Putting those thoughts, words, and ideas onto paper is fulfilling, and if you’re only writing for others, you may lose yourself in the process. Write like you. Write for you. Just write. It’s good.

But with billions of people on the planet, there’s a good chance someone out there will benefit from what you have to say. From honesty. From your brand of crazy – because we all have our own brand of crazy.

My goal, this week, is to let one of the people who’ve encouraged me know that they’ve made a difference in my life. I’m part of someone’s “target audience” too – and I’m easily part of the “audience” of the person whose comment had an impact on me. Friends, we need each other, and that is a gift.

Until next time,

Invent your story

If you’re looking for more encouragement, check out Chocolates and Writing Advice. Happy Friday!


Spice Up Your Cereal Boxes with Sharpie Art

I can’t take credit for the cool faces on all of these boxes. I have an artist in my home who learned this technique from a buddy. Since my son took it up, our home has exploded with fun faces that bust up the doldrums of household routines. 

Just for giggles, here’s my how-to tutorial for Cereal Box Sharpie Art:

1.) Choose a cereal (or other) box.

2.) Grab a sharpie.

3.) Get creative.

How long has it been since you’ve given yourself complete creative freedom? When was the last time you recklessly abandoned the rules and thought, “What else could this be?” The ingenuity of this art form is its out-of-the-box thinking. Sorry guys, it just had to be punned.

Just in case you think I’m off my rocker, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m not a super-great artist. I love art, and I marvel at the classic, great artists who’ve earned every bit of their fame. But I am not, and will never be, one of those men or women.

I’m more of an “art-inspires-me-so-I-create” kind of artist. A lot of my work is just odd. I like it that way. But why in the world do I put it online for you to see and try for yourself?

Here’s the thing: I don’t care what category your profession falls under – healthcare, hospitality, computer software development, or waste management – every job needs innovative thinking. Are faces on cereal boxes innovative? Maybe, but they definitely shake things up, and they’re reminders.


Reminders that things can change.


So, if you’re stuck in any way, shape, or form in life, grab a sharpie and a box. Change it up! Remind yourself that even good things can be a little brighter when you add your creative thinking to them.

Until next time,

Invent your story




Invention Center Part 2: Stock Up Supplies

This seems like the easy part of creating an invention center – you just get the supplies you need. The thing is, without a method to the madness, it’s just madness. So here are three plumb line questions to keep you stockpiling instead of just making piles.

Does the material fit into the goal of your invention center?

I know I haven’t brought up the term “goal” in the context of your invention center before, but if you’ve come this far, you probably have a good idea of what yours is already. (If you haven’t read the first two posts on creating an invention center, you can read what it is and Part 1 to get caught up.) If you’re woodworking, you’ll need wood, screws, a drill, etc.

This is the no-brainer stuff to have around. Without a stocked area, you’ll get bogged down looking for that lost paintbrush or copper wire. This is why we’re making an invention center.

How much do you need to get started?

Sometimes the zeal to create can take over, and you end up with a lot more than you need – especially if it’s freebie stock. Like toilet paper rolls. There are tons of art and engineering projects you can do with toilet paper rolls. But if you keep saving and don’t use them, well it can just start to get weird.

There has to be a FULL point. Then move on.

Did you throw a wrench in your plan?

If the answer to the last question is “nope” – then it’s time to find that wrench and throw it into the stockpile! Hear me out on this one. If you want to create a maker’s space, that’s great, but this is a defining moment for your invention center. You want to have something in your invention center that challenges you to break the mold. More than something. A fair lot of things. An acorn from last fall’s hike. A bunch of rusty nails. One red sock.

These are the grains of sand that help your creative oyster make a pearl.

Until next time,

Invent your story


After Years of Rejection Somebody Said Yes

Rejection. It’s not really the part of the writer’s life that’s fun to talk about. It’s great writing material – rejection involves conflict! Rejection is interesting! Rejection is an obstacle for the protagonist to overcome!

Rejection stinks.

Sure, it’s expected. Even the extremely successful writers are criticized and rejected by people – or their work is. And it’s a wonderful teacher (that’s for another post). I don’t expect everyone to like my work, but I do hope somebody does.

And since my last post on writing, somebody did. I mentioned WOW – Women on Writing last time because I’d submitted my work to their competition and knew I was a finalist. They liked my work – the question was, would I be a winner?

Drum roll, please….

Runner-up! My story As for Adventure was one of the top ten stories for their Spring 2018 Flash Fiction contest, and it’s so weird to be writing the words you can read my published work by clicking here. You really can. This actually happened.

Every one of us has a story and experiencing this part of mine makes me want to thank everyone in the world who helped me. Because this is something I could never do on my own. I’m thankful to God, my parents who encouraged me, my sisters who’ve always had my back, my husband who’s in my corner, my kids who genuinely care, my amazing friends who’ve walked with me in life, my teachers who gave me tools and encouragement along the way – thank you so much. Without you, I wouldn’t be doing what I do. And so many thanks to WOW with guest judge literary agent Sharon Pelletier of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret. If writers didn’t have opportunities like this one, we’d be missing the challenges that help propel us forward. Thank you!

Because this is my first “real success” as a writer, there’s a something I want to share with you that I hope make a difference for someone out there.

I joined a writing group almost two years ago. My first night there, I brought a poem with me, and I was terrified to read it. Terrified, but I knew if I was really going to do this writer thing, I needed to face that fear.

Before I could get the words out, I said:

This is stupid. This is so stupid.

Then I read it. A leader pointed out some of the poem’s strengths and where it could be improved. People liked it well enough, and I was excited to come back to group again – but in the parking lot afterward, a girl came up to me and said

Don’t ever, EVER call your work stupid.

And since that day, I never have. Because it’s not stupid. I don’t approach writing lightly, and I think most writers don’t. My writing group has weathered many rejections with me. Some of my dear friends edited the winning story for me before submission. And this month, when I walked in the door, the entire group burst into applause to celebrate my placement in WOW’s competition. They are amazing people who I love.

If you’re a writer and you’re not connected with other writers, you are missing out. My writing group helped move me from rejecting my own work, to learning how to weather rejection from others, to celebrating success.

Who you journey with makes all the difference.

Until next time,

Invent your story

If you want to follow some of my amazing writer friends who helped improve my story, check out their websites here!

Quest Type


Inkblot Ideas


Invention Center Part 1: Five Tips for Choosing Your Space

In my previous post, I promised to keep you updated on my invention center. Here’s my update: progress was slow. Why? I thought a lot about how to move forward with the space I have. Maybe I’ve been overthinking it. So, without further ado, here’s…

Tip #1.

Don’t Overthink It

Underthinking things in life (Can I afford this? Should I jump?) can get you into trouble. But overthinking is its own beast. Analysis paralysis is a real thing, so if you keep coming back to a space you have to work with and thinking, “That’s probably the best place to start…” it probably is.

That said, here are four more things to consider before making that final decision:

Tip #2.

Consider the Nature of the Work

If it’s electronics, you’re going to want a table and a nearby outlet. If it’s painting, an easel may be your best option. You also will want to consider the kind of floor you’re on. I want to do a little bit of everything and not destroy anything, so I went for a corner of our basement where the floor is painted concrete and an outlet is nearby.

Tip #3.

Remember Ventilation and Safety

Everything we do involves a level of risk, so it’s smart to assess yours and take precautions. If you’re going to be working with chemicals (paint thinners, glues, stains, etc.) that give off fumes, be sure your workspace has a window you can open when needed. Having a nearby water supply is helpful. Take the time to map out an emergency plan, so you are well prepared.

Tip #4.

Lighting Effects Work

When I was a kid doing homework at the kitchen table, my mom would walk by and flip on the overhead light for me. “It’s better for your eyes,” she’d say. Mom was right. Does your space have natural or overhead lighting? Would a small lamp be beneficial for you, and if so, where will that fit into things? It’s worth considering as you move forward with your new venture.

Tip #5.

Give Yourself Room to Grow

Starting small is starting smart, but don’t limit yourself or your imagination. Right now, my invention center is a table in the corner of the basement. Maybe one day it will be a super-techy-inspiring-for-inventors-everywhere place, but today, it’s a simple table with room to grow. And that, my friends, is not a bad beginning.

Until next time,

Invent your story


Fuel Your Creative Life with an Invention Center

We are creative people. I believe everyone benefits from making something good, but creating takes time, space, and energy. As a person who’s embracing the creative life, I’ve discovered something very important.

Creativity can take over.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but it’s the inherent nature of this marvelous beast. When you want to paint with watercolors, it sounds simple enough. But after you hunt for brushes, paints, paper, a clear table, and a kid or two, the mix is overwhelming. Where do you put the paintings that aren’t dry yet? Where do you put paintings when they are dry?

When paintings end up sharing the dinner table with you, their charm can wear off.

Fuel your creative life with an invention center in your home.

A home is a powerful place. One of the best things you can do for yourself and the people you live with is give everyone the opportunity to develop their talents and contribute to the family. An invention center does that.

So, what is an invention center?

Think of your favorite creative hobby. Maybe it’s tinkering, building, pottery, painting, mosaic, writing, chemistry, electronic work, or whatever thing you like to do. An invention center is a place where you get to do that thing, guilt-free and supply-ready.

Your invention center can live in a box under your bed that you pull out each evening. If you have a corner of a room, your invention center can hang out in that space and be ready to tackle a new project with you. An invention center can be a building, but if you don’t have a building, don’t let that keep you from inventing. Start small.

I think a lot of us tend to neglect creative endeavors because of the perceived work involved. Or we dive in without a plan and get frustrated. Your invention center is going to look different than mine because our interests are unique, but we can still learn from one another. I plan to keep you posted on how things come along with my invention center, and I’d love to hear about the strategies you’re using to fuel your inventive life.

Until next time,

Invent your story