2018 A New Beginning

I used to be a runner. In high school, I joined the track team because I thought I was pretty fast. My teammates and competitors proved me wrong, but I learned a lot about racing. Life isn’t a race, but years have a cycle to them. When you cross that starting point to go another round, something happens.

The New Year brings reflection and direction. I think about how far I’ve come – and where I want to be. How do I move forward? If you’re like me, you want to make every step count.

I’ve tried (and failed) at New Year’s resolutions before. This year I got some different advice that’s significant enough to share. It sounds simple, potentially powerful, and effectively fail-proof.

Instead of a resolution, choose a word.

The word can be “chill” or “declutter” or “grace” – whatever resonates with you and lines up with your goals for 2018. When you get tired or stuck spinning on your track, use the word (choose a positive word people!) to keep you moving and power through.

Are you wondering what my word is?

You know, I haven’t completely decided, but I’m considering “try”. I took some pretty big chances in 2017 (learn about my amazing trip from Bluehost) and the adventure wouldn’t be in my story if I hadn’t tried. I met incredible people over the course of the year, did some wacky art, and sewed seeds that may still bloom in 2018.

Friends, I might be addicted to trying.

Thank you for sticking with me as we invent our stories together. What creative/innovative dream are you going to try this year? Let me know because I would love to encourage you.

I hope a good word helps! But no matter what, keep inventing your story.